How can I see the permissions of a specific directory?

I know that I can use ls -l to list all the files in a directory including their permissions, but how do I see the permissions of a specific directory. For example if I wanted to see the permissions for my /etc directory?

Add -d to the command like so:

ls -ld /etc

From man ls:

   -d, --directory
          list directory entries instead of contents, and do not dereference symbolic links

Also you can use stat command to getting permissions of specific file or directory:

 stat -c "%A %n" Directory-or-File

or permission in octal mode:

 stat -c "%a %n" Directory-or-File
  • The -c option allows you to customize the output.
  • The file’s name is shown as a result of %n, %a shows octal permissions and %A shows permissions in human readable form.