How to install VLC 2.2 in Ubuntu 14.04?

I want to install VLC 2.2 Weatherwax in the Ubuntu (well, Xubuntu) 14.04 LTS release.
There is a PPA from Videolan on Launchpad that offers more recent VLC releases for Ubuntu Trusty 14.04.

Except there is a problem. The official PPA from Videolan for Ubuntu 14.04 does not contain all the libraries needed to run VLC on Ubuntu 14.04. It seems the VLC developers made their package require some 3rd-party repositories that they didn't think to include in their PPA.

So what I'm wondering is where can I find all the libraries I need to run an non-outdated version of VLC on Ubuntu 14.04?

Solution 1:


From the PPA description:

Upgraded, advanced or not normally available multimedia packages for Trusty

It contains the latest version of VLC, ffmpeg, and some other popular video players and important media libraries. The PPA is pecifically for users looking for media updates without ditching the LTS release.