How to access Winform textbox control from another class?

I would recommend that you don't. Do you really want to have a class that is dependent on how the text editing is implemented in the form, or do you want a mechanism allowing you to get and set the text?

I would suggest the latter. So in your form, create a property that wraps the Text property of the TextBox control in question:

public string FirstName
    get { return firstNameTextBox.Text; }
    set { firstNameTextBox.Text = value; }

Next, create some mechanism through which you class can get a reference to the form (through the contructor for instance). Then that class can use the property to access and modify the text:

class SomeClass
    private readonly YourFormClass form;
    public SomeClass(YourFormClass form)
        this.form = form;

    private void SomeMethodDoingStuffWithText()
        string firstName = form.FirstName;
        form.FirstName = "some name";

An even better solution would be to define the possible interactions in an interface, and let that interface be the contract between your form and the other class. That way the class is completely decoupled from the form, and can use anyting implementing the interface (which opens the door for far easier testing):

interface IYourForm
    string FirstName { get; set; }

In your form class:

class YourFormClass : Form, IYourForm
    // lots of other code here

    public string FirstName
        get { return firstNameTextBox.Text; }
        set { firstNameTextBox.Text = value; }

...and the class:

class SomeClass
    private readonly IYourForm form;
    public SomeClass(IYourForm form)
        this.form = form;

    // and so on


I was also facing the same problem where I was not able to appendText to richTextBox of Form class. So I created a method called update, where I used to pass a message from Class1.

class: Form1.cs

public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            _Form1 = this;
        public static Form1 _Form1;

        public void update(string message)
            textBox1.Text = message;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Class1 sample = new Class1();            

class: Class1.cs

public class Class1
        public Class1()
            Form1._Form1.update("change text");