What word would you use to describe a person who is highly judgemental or critical of everything, but also is highly outspoken

On searching,I came across "self assertive " and "opinionated" . But neither of them seems to answer the query , fully .

There are a bunch of words which come to minds, you can use whichever seems fit -

  1. condemnatory - expressing strong disapproval; censorious. "condemnatory statements"

  2. disparging - expressing the opinion that something is of little worth; derogatory. "disparaging remarks about council houses"

  3. deprecating - expressing disapproval; disapproving. "he sniffed in a deprecating way"

  4. scathing - witheringly scornful; severely critical. ”she launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister"

  5. mordant - (especially of humour) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting. "a mordant sense of humour"

But all these words, are only suitable for “highly judgmental” and “critical of everything”, and not necessarily for “outspoken”. Therefore I’m listing a few more words for “outspoken” which you can use after the above listed words since they are adjectives.

  1. vociferous - expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful. "he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover"

  2. candid - truthful and straightforward; frank. "his responses were remarkably candid"

  3. forthright (of a person or their manner or speech) direct and outspoken. "his most forthright attack yet on the reforms"

As an example you could say, “scathingly vociferous” or condemnatorily forthright” and so on, but since your question, asks for a single word, you could just use the any of the five listed words. But for a more detailed description, I’d suggest you to use two.

Here are a couple words that may work:

  • captious (adj) marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections
    • ex. "captious critics" "a captious complainer"
  • censorious (adj) severely critical of others; faultfinding
    • ex. "censorious comments" "a censorious tone"

An example showing how the word would be used in a sentence would be helpful. Without an example sentence, it's hard to say, but I think those cover both a critical nature and outspokenness.