How do I install Komodo Edit?

New to linux, help me install this program Komodo-Edit-7.1.0-10496-linux-x86_64

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 64bit.

You could also use a repository, as described here.

It includes Komodo Edit in Ubuntu in a much better way (accessible from the dash, some other Ubuntu conventions).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mystic-mirage/komodo-edit
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install komodo-edit

To complement the Ubuntu experience, activate the Global Menu plugin.

  1. Download the latest release.

  2. tar zxvf Komodo-Edit-7.1.0-10496-linux-x86_64

  3. cd Komodo-Edit-7.1.0-10496-linux-x86_64

  4. sudo ./

When you are asked where you would like to install it go ahead and type the directory to where it should be installed.

Once it finishes you still have one more step, inserting the executable into your PATH variable. This can be done with a simple command:

  1. sudo ln -s "/home/myuser/Software/Komodo-Edit-7/bin/komodo" /usr/local/bin/komodo