How to fix 'Unable to determine application id: No outputs for the main artifact of variant:'

First clean your project by

Build -> Clean project

Then rebuild project

Build -> Rebuild project

Then run your project. I hope this will work.

if not then go to

File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and restart

The last option is you can sync Gradle again in case nothing worked

Your Gradle is out of sync. Go to: File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files. It should fix the problem.

enter image description here

This is because your gradle version in project build.gradle configuration is too old for a newer Android Studio version, like Android Studio 3.6.1,

1. you should change the gradle configuration into a newer one under: build.gradle(project)->buildscript->dependencies->classpath;

for example, you should change:

classpath ''


classpath ''

2. after this, may be you should also change the configuration in into a newer version, for example, change:




3. after this, may be you should also add google() at:




I have the same issue with a Cordova Project after I updated Android Studio to 3.6.1

As a workaround (at least for the first installation of the app) I use installDebug Gradle Task from Gradle Tab View -> Tasks -> Install

enter image description here