From @JonasCz, whose comment was:

Do you happen to have an iPhone plugged into your computer ? If so, you may need to select "Trust this computer" on the phone (or disconnect it), which may fix it:

Unplugging the Iphone solved the issue, or was an acceptable answer for me.

This just happened when I resumed the computer this morning. Going into suspend last night I had Power Panel left open. This morning Power Panel was all greyed out and the hard disk light was flashing like a disco light show.

I used these commands:

$ ps -aux | grep upowerd | grep -v grep
root      2013  0.5  0.0 349976  7372 ?        Rsl  Aug11  11:12 /usr/lib/upower/upowerd

$ sudo killall -9 upowerd

Of course now upowerd isn't running at all but that's OK it'll come back with the next reboot. I don't use it much anyway just to check when wireless mouse or keyboard batteries are low.