Getting "command not found" error in bash script

I have written a bash script that gets three paths based on input parameters and then then gets the imagename/filename in the path.

Something like:
I provide:


Then it uses the find command to get

Finally I have to get tellmeimage1fun.bin as output.



echo "arg0 n/k/d"  


PATH1="`find $AA/dir2/images/dir/ -name *image1*.bin`"  
PATH2="`find $AA/dir2/images/dir/ -name *bimage2*.bin`"  
PATH3="`find $AA/dir2/images/dir/ -name *cimage3*.bin`"  

if [ $CC = "n" ] ; then  
elif [ $CC = "k" ] ; then  

#Getting filename name from path:  
IMG="`ls $PATH | cut -d "/" -f6`"

/users/prasapat/bin/sl5: line 22: ls: command not found  
/users/prasapat/bin/sl5: line 22: cut: command not found  

If I give complete paths to ls and cut they work. But i don't want to do that for all commands in the script. If i remove the last line and echo the PATH variable it is completely fine. Only after adding the last command, I see the problem.

What am I doing wrongly?

The problem is that you are redefining the PATH variable where bash looks into to find the binary files if you don't use a complete path when calling.

You should change the PATH in your bash script to MYPATH or something like that, so that it doesn't mess with the already environmental variables.

If you don't know what the PATH variable is for you can look at wikipedia's article

I had this problem, turns out editing a bash script using Notepad++ was adding DOS line endings instead of UNIX line endings. Running the script in a Linux environment was causing the 'command not found' error to be thrown.

Managed to diagnose the problem by running my script like so:

bash -x

Which will dump any compiler output. The error message that gets thrown is:

bash -x
+ $'\r'
: command not found 2:
' line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `{

I fixed the issue by changing the formatting of line endings in Notepad++ to be UNIX not DOS by going Edit -> EOL Conversion -> UNIX.

$PATH is a special environment variable that contains a list of directories where your shell (in this case, bash) should look in when you type a command (such as find and ls.) Just try echo $PATH in a script or in a shell to get a feeling of what it looks like (you will typically have /bin, /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin listed there, maybe more.)

As you don't really need to redefine this variable in this particular script, you should use another name than $PATH.