Visual Studio 2015 “non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member”

I am learning C++ and try to make a small game of Tic Tac Toe. But I keep on getting C3867, non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to remember.

This is my TicTacToe.h :

#pragma once
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class TicTacToe
    string getName1();
    string getName2();
    void printBoard();
    void clearBoard();
    void setName1(string player1Name);
    void setName2(string player2Name);
    void setSign1(string player1Sign);
    void setSign2(string player2Sign, string player1Sign);
    void playGame(string player1Name, string player2Name,string    player1Sign,string player2Sign);                  
    void player1Move(string coordX);
    void player1Turn();
    void player2Turn();
    char Board[3][3];
    string _player1Name;
    string _player2Name;
    string _player1Sign;
    string _player2Sign;
    string _coordX;
    string _coordY;

And here is my TicTacToe.cpp :

#include "TicTacToe.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

TicTacToe::TicTacToe() {}

void TicTacToe::playGame(string player1Name, string player2Name,
                         string player1Sign, string player2Sign) {
  TicTacToe Board;
  Board.setSign2(player1Sign, player2Sign);

void TicTacToe::printBoard() {
  cout << " |1|2|3|\n";
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    cout << "--------\n";
    cout << i + 1 << "|" << Board[i][0] << "|" << Board[i][1] << "|"
         << Board[i][2] << "|" << endl;

void TicTacToe::clearBoard() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      Board[i][j] = ' ';

void TicTacToe::setName1(string player1Name) {
  cout << "Enter your name, player 1: \n";
  cin >> player1Name;
  _player1Name = player1Name;

void TicTacToe::setName2(string player2Name) {
  cout << "Enter your name, player 2: \n";
  cin >> player2Name;
  _player2Name = player2Name;

string TicTacToe::getName1() { return _player1Name; }

string TicTacToe::getName2() { return _player2Name; }

void TicTacToe::setSign1(string player1Sign) {
  cout << "What will you sign be?(X/O)\n";
  cin >> player1Sign;
  if (player1Sign != "X" && player1Sign != "O" && player1Sign != "x" &&
      player1Sign != "o") {
    cout << "Invalid input, try again.\n";
    cin >> player1Sign;
  _player1Sign = player1Sign;

void TicTacToe::setSign2(string player2Sign, string player1Sign) {
  cout << "What will you sign be?(X/O)\n";
  cin >> player2Sign;

  if (player2Sign != "X" && player2Sign != "O" && player2Sign != "x" &&
          player2Sign != "o" ||
      player2Sign == player1Sign) {
    cout << "Invalid input, try again.\n";
    cin >> player2Sign;
  _player2Sign = player2Sign;

void TicTacToe::player1Move(string coordX) // ERROR
  cout << "Enter X: " << endl;
  cin >> coordX;
  _coordX = coordX;

void TicTacToe::player1Turn() {
  cout << "Player 1 turn !\n";
  TicTacToe Board;

void TicTacToe::player2Turn() {
  cout << "Player 2 turn !\n";
  TicTacToe Board;

I have tried everything in other questions about this error but they didn't work. How do you fix this error?

The fix to your problem is already provided in the answer by drorco. I am going to try to explain the error message.

When you have a non-member function, you can use the function name in an expression without using the function call syntax.

void foo()

foo; // Evaluates to a function pointer.

However, when you have a member function, using the member function name in an expression without the function call syntax is not valid.

struct Bar
   void baz() {}

Bar::baz;  // Not valid.

To get a pointer to a member function, you need to use the & operator.

&Bar::baz;   // Valid

That explains the error message from Visual Studio:

"non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member"

The problem is with the lines which contain the following (it appears twice in your code):


Player one move is a function which receive an std::string parameter as an input. In order to call it you'll need to create an std::string object and pass it as an argument for the function. You can use the following syntax if you want the string to be given as an input:

std::string move;
cin >> move;

Also, notice that player2Turn should call Board.player2Move instead of Board.player1Move.

I was getting this when quickly adding std::exception to an app for try/catch blocks of code, like this:

//code block
}catch(std::exception e){printf("ERROR: %s", e.what()); return -1;}

I just needed to change parameter for the exception's name to start with &, like so:

//code block
}catch(std::exception &e){printf("ERROR: %s", e.what()); return -1;}