Is it possible to kill the 2 Harvesters on Thessia?

Solution 1:

Just did this today on normal. I killed them both very quick but the pilot still died as the 2nd one exploded so don't think you can save the pilot or maybe i was just a second to late.

I don't think i could have taken them down much faster since I play an infiltrator with maxed Disruptor ammo, Tactical Cloak and Operational Mastery all focusing on max head shot damage. I'm using a Black Widow V with Extended Barrel IV and Enhanced Scope V and this gear: enter image description here

Solution 2:

Nope, not possible. More Harvesters just keep coming no matter how quickly you take them out. I was wondering the same thing, so I sniped the barrier generator before the harvesters even arrived, then I shot the Hydra at the harvesters right away which one shot one and did some damage to the other, and then another harvester came and the pilot immediately crashed within like 5 seconds of arrival. Seems like coming close to taking out both just triggers her death right away.