Aligning text in SVG

Solution 1:

It turns out that you don't need explicit text paths. Firefox 3 has only partial support of the vertical alignment tags (see this thread). It also seems that dominant-baseline only works when applied as a style whereas text-anchor can be part of the style or a tag attribute.

<path d="M10, 20 L17, 20"
      style="fill:none; color:black; stroke:black; stroke-width:1.00"/>
<text fill="black" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16"
      x="27" y="20" style="dominant-baseline: central;">

<path d="M60, 40 L60, 47"
      style="fill:none; color:red; stroke:red; stroke-width:1.00"/>
<text fill="red" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16"
      x="60" y="70" style="text-anchor: middle;">

<path d="M60, 90 L60, 97"
      style="fill:none; color:blue; stroke:blue; stroke-width:1.00"/>
<text fill="blue" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16"
      x="60" y="97" style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: hanging;">
  Bit of Both

This works in Firefox. Unfortunately Inkscape doesn't seem to handle dominant-baseline (or at least not in the same way).

Solution 2:

This effect can indeed be achieved by setting alignment-baseline to central or middle.