Is copying 2D arrays with "memcpy" technically undefined behaviour?

std::memcpy(arr_copy, arr, sizeof arr); (your example) is well-defined.

std::memcpy(arr_copy, arr[0], sizeof arr);, on the other hand, causes undefined behavior (at least in C++; not entirely sure about C).

Multidimensional arrays are 1D arrays of arrays. As far as I know, they don't get much (if any) special treatment compared to true 1D arrays (i.e. arrays with elements of non-array type).

Consider an example with a 1D array:

int a[3] = {1,2,3}, b[3];
std::memcpy(b, a, sizeof(int) * 3);

This is obviously legal.1

Notice that memcpy receives a pointer to the first element of the array, and can access other elements.

The element type doesn't affect the validity of this example. If you use a 2D array, the element type becomes int[N] rather than int, but the validity is not affected.

Now, consider a different example:

int a[2][2] = {{1,2},{3,4}}, b[4];
std::memcpy(b, a[0], sizeof(int) * 4);
//             ^~~~

This one causes UB2, because since memcpy is given a pointer to the first element of a[0], it can only access the elements of a[0] (a[0][i]), and not a[j][i].

But, if you want my opinion, this is a "tame" kind of UB, likely to not cause problems in practice (but, as always, UB should be avoided if possible).

1 The C++ standard doesn't explain memcpy, and instead refers to the C standard. The C standard uses somewhat sloppy wording:

C11 (N1570) []/2

The memcpy function copies n characters from the object pointed to by s2 into the object pointed to by s1.

A pointer to the first (or any) element of an array points only to that element, not to the entire array, even though the entire array is reachable through said pointer. Thus, if interpreted literally, it appears that @LanguageLawyer is right: if you give memcpy a pointer to an array element, you're only allowed to copy that single element, and not the successive elements.

This interpretation contradicts the common sense, and most probably wasn't intended.

E.g. consider the example in [basic.types.general]/2, which applies memcpy to an array using a pointer to the first element: (even though examples are non-normative)

constexpr std::size_t N = sizeof(T);
char buf[N];
T obj;
std::memcpy(buf, &obj, N);
std::memcpy(&obj, buf, N);

2 This is moot, because of the problematic wording for memcpy described above.

I'm not entirely sure about C, but for C++, there are strong hints that this is UB.

Firstly, consider a similar example that uses std::copy_n, attempting to perform an element-wise copy rather than a byte-wise one:

#include <algorithm>

consteval void foo()
    int a[2][2] = {{1,2},{3,4}}, b[2][2] = {{1,2},{3,4}};
    std::copy_n(a[0], 4, b[0]);

int main() {foo();} 

Running functions at compile-time catches most form of UB (it makes the code ill-formed), and indeed compiling this snippet gives:

error: call to consteval function 'foo' is not a constant expression
note: cannot refer to element 4 of array of 2 elements in a constant expression

The situation with memcpy is less certain, because it performs a byte-wise copy. This whole topic seems appears to be vague and underspecified.

Consider the wording for std::launder:


A byte of storage b is reachable through a pointer value that points to an object Y if there is an object Z, pointer-interconvertible with Y, such that b is within the storage occupied by Z, or the immediately-enclosing array object if Z is an array element.

In other words, given a pointer to an array element, all elements of the said array are reachable through that pointer (non-recursively, i.e. through &a[0][0] only a[0][i] are reachable).

Formally, this definition is only used to describe std::launder (the fact that it can't expand the reachable region of the pointer given to it). But the implication seems to be that this definition summarizes reachability rules described by other parts of the standard ([static.cast]/13, notice that reinterpret_cast is defined through the same wording; also [basic.compound]/4).

It's not entirely clear if said rules apply to memcpy, but they should. Because otherwise, the programmer would be able to disregard reachability using library functions, which would make the concept of reachability mostly useless.

It's well-defined, even if you use memcpy(arr_cpy, arr, size) rather than
memcpy(&arr_cpy, &arr, size) (which @LanguageLawyer has finally explained is what they've been arguing for the whole time), for reasons explained by @HolyBlackCat and others.

The intended meaning of the standard is clear, and any language to the contrary is a defect in the standard, not something compiler devs are going to use to pull the rug out from under countless normal uses of memcpy (including 1D arrays) that don't cast int* to int (*)[N], especially since ISO C++ doesn't allow variable-length arrays.

Experimental evidence for how compiler-developers chose to interpret the standard as letting memcpy read from the whole outer object (array-of-array-of-int) which is pointed-to by the void* arg, even if that void* was obtained as a pointer to the first element (i.e. to the first array-of-int):

If you pass a size that's too large, you do get a warning, and for GCC the warning even spells out exactly what object and what size it sees being memcpyed:

#include <cstring>

int dst[2][2];
void foo(){
    int arr[2][2] = {{1,1},{1,1}};
    std::memcpy(dst, arr, sizeof(arr));  // compiles cleanly

void size_too_large(){
    int arr[2][2] = {{1,1},{1,1}};
    std::memcpy(dst, arr, sizeof(arr)+4);

Using &dst, &src makes no difference here to warnings or lack thereof.
Godbolt compiler explorer for GCC and clang -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -fsanitize=undefined, and MSVC -Wall.

GCC's warning for size_too_large() is:

warning: 'void* memcpy(void*, const void*, size_t)' forming offset [16, 19] is  \
  out of the bounds [0, 16] of object 'dst' with type 'int [2][2]' [-Warray-bounds]
   11 |     std::memcpy(dst, arr, sizeof(arr)+4);
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<source>:3:5: note: 'dst' declared here
    3 | int dst[2][2];

clang's doesn't spell out the object type, but does still show sizes:

<source>:11:5: warning: 'memcpy' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 16, but size argument is 20 [-Wfortify-source]
    std::memcpy(dst, arr, sizeof(arr)+4);

So it's clearly safe in practice with real compilers, a fact which we already knew. Both see the destination arg as being the whole 16-byte int [2][2] object.

However, GCC and clang are possibly less strict than the ISO C++ standard. Even with dst[0] as the destination (decaying to an int* rather than int (*)[2]), they both still report the destination size as 16 bytes with type int [2][2].

HolyBlackCat's answer points out that calling memcpy this way really only gives it the 2-element sub-array, not the whole 2D array, but compilers don't try to stop you from or warn about using a pointer to the first element to access any part of a larger object.

As I said, testing real compilers can only show us that this is well-defined on them currently; arguments about what they might do in future requires other reasoning (based on nobody wanting to break normal uses of memcpy, and the standard's intended meaning.)

ISO standard's exact wording: arguably a defect

The only question is whether there's any merit to the argument that there's a defect in the standard's wording for the way it explains which object is relevant for the language beyond the end of an object, whether that's limited to the single pointed-to object after array to pointer "decay" for passing an arg to memcpy. (And yes, that would be a defect in the standard; it's widely assumed that you don't need and shouldn't use &arr with an array type for memcpy, or basically ever AFAIK.)

To me, that sounds like a misinterpretation of the standard, but I may be biased because I of course want to read it as saying what we all know is true in practice. I still think that having it be well-defined is a valid interpretation of the wording in the standard, but the other interpretation may also be valid. (i.e. it could be ambiguous whether it's UB or not, which would be a defect.)

A void* pointing to the first element of an array can be cast back to an int (*)[2] to access the whole array object. That isn't how memcpy uses it, but it shows that the pointer hasn't lost its status as a pointer to the whole N-dimensional array. I think the authors of the standard are assuming this reasoning, that this void* can be considered a pointer to the whole object, not just the first element.

However, it's true that there's special language for how memcpy works, and a formal reading could argue that this doesn't let you rely on normal C assumptions about how memory works.

But the UB interpretation allowed by the standard is not how anyone wants it to work or thinks it should. And it would apply to 1D arrays, so this interpretation conflicts with standard examples of using memcpy that are well-known / universally assumed to work. So any argument that the wording in the standard doesn't quite match this is an argument that there's a defect in the wording, not that we need to change our code and avoid this.

There's also no motivation for compiler devs to try to declare this UB because there's very little optimization to be had here (unlike with signed overflow, type-based aliasing, or assumption of no NULL deref).

A compiler assuming that runtime-variable size must only affect at most the whole first element for the pointer type that got cast to void* wouldn't allow much optimization in real code. It's rare for later code to only access elements strictly after the first, which would let the compiler do constant-propagation or similar things past a memcpy that was intended to write it.

(As I said, everyone knows this isn't what the standard intended, unlike with clear statements about signed overflow being UB.)

With all due respect, HolyBlackCat is utterly wrong, for very first principles. My C17 standard draft says in 7.24.1: "For all functions in this subclause [containing memcpy], each character shall be interpreted as if it had the type unsigned char." The C standard doesn't really make any type considerations for these trivial functions: memcpy copies memory. As far as semantics are at all considered, it is treated as a sequence of unsigned characters. Therefore, the following first C principle applies:

As long as there is an initialized object at an address you can access it through a char pointer.

Let's repeat it for emphasis and clarity:

Any initialized object can be accessed by a char pointer.

If you know that an object is at a specific address 0x42, for example because the hardware of your computer maps the x coordinate of your mouse there, you can convert that into a char pointer and read it. If the coordinate is a 16 bit value you can read the next byte too.

Nobody cares how you know that there is an integer: If there is one, you can read it. (Peter Cordes noted that there is no guarantee that you can arrive at a valid address (or at least, at the expected address) through pointer arithmetic from an unrelated object because of possible segmented memory architectures. But this is not the example case: The entire array is one object and must reside in a single segment.)

Now that we have 3 arrays of 3 ints we know that 9 ints are placed consecutively in memory; that is a language requirement. The entire memory there is full of ints belonging to a single object, and we can iterate manually over it through char pointers, or we can turf it to memcpy. Whether we use arr or arr[0] or obtain the address through a stack offset from some other variable [<- not guaranteed correct as Peter Cordes reminded me] or some other magic or simply make an educated guess is entirely irrelevant as long as the address is correct, and of that there is no doubt here.