caret navigation (getting a text cursor) in Google Chrome?

I use Google Chrome on OSX. Is there a way, within the browser, to get a text cursor that will allow me to navigate through text, selecting and copying text using only the keyboard?

I've looked at Vimium, Conkeror, and Vimperator, but as far as I can tell, they allow you to use the keyboard to navigate web pages (scrolling, visiting links) but don't provide a text cursor.

Is this possible?

Update: I have learned that this is called caret browsing or caret navigation. Is this possible in Chrome?

Recently Google Chrome introduced built-in functionality to browser with caret, just press F7 or go to Settings > Advanced > Accessibility and then turn on "Navigate pages with a text cursor" switch.

enter image description here

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + J to open the console.

  2. Enter the following into the console and press Enter:


Now you get a cursor and can even edit the whole page.