Cmder - Use <tab> to cycle through the auto completes candidates?

Solution 1:

As mentioned above, 'cmder' is an amalgamation of other open source software. The software which controls the tab completion behaviour is 'clink'. To change this behaviour, navigate to your 'cmder' directory and then find:


Open 'clink_inputrc_base', save a backup original, and then replace both lines that read:

"\t": clink-completion-shim


"\t": menu-complete

for shift+tab cycle backward behaviour, also add a line below each of the above lines that reads:

"\e`Z": menu-complete-backward

This worked for me. Credit to this link for the info on modifying clink behaviour:

EDIT: Please see my comment below, or additional answer from 'tides'. In newer versions of cmder the process is slightly simpler. You just have to uncomment the lines as described in the file, see my comment or other answer for more detail.

Solution 2:

Actually, in the \cmder\vendor\clink\clink_inputrc_base file there are already these lines at the end:

# Uncomment these two lines for vanilla cmd.exe style completion.
# "\t": clink-menu-completion-shim
# "\e`Z": clink-backward-menu-completion-shim

If you remove the # characters of the last two lines you will get the desired behavior.