Different name for the strip of holey paper from a spiral notebook

When students rip out papers from a spiral notebook, the edge has a row of little holes. Unlike when I was young, these pages have perforations running down the right side so that the strips can be easily removed, making the paper much neater.

I taught at university my whole career and we called these annoying strips "shitlets." And it was my (and others') policy that submitted work was to have the shitlets removed. "Homework with shitlets attached will be returned ungraded. And if I find shitlets outside my door and your homework shoved under it, then I'm just going to shove it back."

In my retirement, I've picked up a part-time job teaching math at a little Christian school. I want to have the same policy, but I'm pretty sure that "shitlet" is on the list of words I shouldn't use in the classroom.

So is there another word for shitlets? Preferably one that is disparaging? If not, would it be too far off topic to have a contest on this list to coin a Puritan-friendly yet derogatory term for them? I'd be happy to post a bounty.

Urban Dictionary and AZdictionary both define those as 'kadoobies.'

A classroom appropriate, yet ridiculous and flip title for a ridiculous and wildly inconvenient aspect of spiral notebooks.

To give it a Biblical slant, you could make a pun out of it and call them holey kadoobies.

According to a professional printer they are called edgings. At least when they are on printer paper. But I think it would do for spiral notebooks too.

Robert Charles Lee
, Printbroker, financial printer, ex-lawyer

I’m in the printing industry. Answered this months ago:—

[microperforated] pin-feed edge
tractor edge
sprocket edge

Once they’re torn off, they’re called ‘edgings.’