Bash script to check if a public HTTPS site is up [closed]

Solution 1:

Here is a way to do it using wget instead of curl. Keep in mind that MacOS doesn't come with wget by default.

A successful web request will return a code of 200, a failure will return a 300, 400, 404, ect... (see REST API codes)

This line will return a 1 if the web request was successful, otherwise it will return 0

wget -q  -O /tmp/foo | grep '200' /tmp/foo | wc -l

Solution 2:

One of many:

if curl -s --head  --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null; then 
   echo " is UP"
   echo " is DOWN"

Solution 3:

Nagios' check_http plugin can do this and much more, including checking for specific text in the response. You can run it from a shell script independently of Nagios itself:

$ check_http --ssl -H -r 'Feeling Lucky'
HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11900 bytes in 0.086 second response time |time=0.085943s;;;0.000000 size=11900B;;;0

$ echo $?

Solution 4:

Why not use a full solution for monitoring? I've found monit to be pretty good for this:

(this comes after years of using home brewed bash scripts - i've found monit to be more transportable to different boxes, and more robust than some messy scripts. Don't know about their paid version).