How to avoid scrolling listview when scrolling in map within listview

Solution 1:

The accepted answer (Eset Mehmet's answer was marked as excepted as of time of writing) is way to complicated and in my case it did not even work! It provided left-to-right scrolling, panning, and scaling, however top-to-bottom scrolling still scrolled the ListView.

A real solution is very simple, since GoogleMap by default has those gesture detectors. You must just specify that gesture detection must be prioritized by GoogleMap and not ListView. This is achieved by giving GoogleMap object an EagerGestureRecognizer in the following way for example.

  children: <Widget>[
      gestureRecognizers: {
          () => EagerGestureRecognizer(),

In this way, all gestures that happen on or over the GoogleMap object will be prioritized by GoogleMap instead of any other widget.

Solution 2:

Edit: campovski 's answer down below is the updated answer.

Depreciated Answer:

  • Wrap everything with ListView if you want to move out GoogleMap widget from the screen when scrolling.

  • Override ListView scrolling phyics with GoogleMap gestureRecognizers.

  • Disable ListView.builder scrolling physics due to conflict between ListView physics.

First import the dependencies:

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';

build method:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: ListView(
        children: <Widget>[
            height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 2,
            child: GoogleMap(
                  CameraPosition(target: LatLng(41, 29), zoom: 10),
              gestureRecognizers: Set()
                    Factory<PanGestureRecognizer>(() => PanGestureRecognizer()))
                      () => VerticalDragGestureRecognizer()),
                      () => HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer()),
                      () => ScaleGestureRecognizer()),
            physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
            shrinkWrap: true,
            itemCount: 12,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
              return ListTile(
                title: Text("$index"),