I would like to externalize my JS code, but there is Twig variable in the code.
What are your tricks to make this working?

team: {{ 'Select your team'|trans }}

Solution 1:

There a two approaches when you need to pass a twig variable to an external javascript file

  1. Define the variables inside a script block in the twig template
<!DOCTYPE html>
           var my_twig_var = {% if twig_var is defined %}'{{ twig_var }}'{% else %}null{% endif %}
       <script src="scripts/functions.js"></script>

For this approach I usally add a block called "javascript" block in my main/base template


<!DOCTYPE html>
       {% block body %}
       {% endblock %}
       {% block javascript %}
       {% endblock %}


{% extends base.twig.html %}
{% block body%}
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
{% endblock %}
{% block javascript %}
      alert('{{ twig_var|default('Hello World') }}');
{% endblock %}

  1. Pass the variables to javascript with the aid of data-* attributes
<div data-foo="{{ foo }}">...</div>
$(function() {
    $(document).on('click', '.button', function(e) {

Sidenote: if you want to pass an object or an array to twig you can always use the json_encode filter, which will convert the variable to a valid javascript object

If you want to have control over which object properties are exposed by the json_encode filter you can always implement the interface Serializable