Stop Opera from autocomplete domains

I want to make Opera behave like Firefox, i.e. search in local history / bookmarks, but not search online, sending addresses i type to the internets.

Solution 1:

The are different types of "suggestions/autocompletions":

  • Server Name Completion

    If enabled, Opera tries to complete the typed in domain name (after pressing enter) by a prefix (per default www.) and a TLD (e.g. .com, .net etc.). So if you type into the address bar asdfg/ (the slash is important) you probably will be directed to -- or if there's no DNS entry, Opera will try

    Configuration via Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Server Name Completion or via various opera:config entried (search for HostName)

  • Addressbar Inline Completion

    "Automatic completion of previously typed addresses in the address field" (Opera Help)

    Controlled by opera:config#UserPrefs|AddressbarInlineAutoCompletion

  • Addressbar Search Suggestions

    While you are typing, Opera sends the query to a search engine (per default that's G**gle) to make suggestions what you possibly are looking for.

    Controlled by opera:config#UserPrefs|ShowSearchSuggestionsInAddressfieldDropdown

For those who never came across it, you can simply copy & paste these opera:config... URL's into the address bar and you'll end up at the correct position in the configuration list. Don't forget to press save after changing some options!