How can I see when the txt file was embedded to a word document?

Is there a possibility to search when the embedded txt file was created in the word document? I'm working in Word 2010 and the extension of the document is simple: .doc

It was inserted using the Word options:

Insert -> Object -> Create from file -> Insert as icon

Thank you, I already tried the right click and properties option, but the problem with it, that it shows only the current date for all of the 3 options (created/modified/accessed).

I also tried to get the timestamp but it is inactive when I'm on the txt object.

Sorry not to mention it before: Thank you all of you here for the help and support it is really appreciated.

UPDATE: While I will leave the original for reference, it is wrong. The embedded object does not have any meta-data kept with it probably because it is in the old OLE binary format dumped inside the XML.

If you rename the docx file to .zip & examine the embedded object, the bin file has a default date (1980-01-01).

The only way to get round this would be to write a small helper VBA function to do the embedding for you. You would have to keep track of the objects being embedded and store the meta data in document variables.

If you right click on the resulting icon, you will see an entry called "Packager Shell Object Object" or at least you will in Word 2013, it may be different in other versions.

Click on "Properties" and you will get a Windows Explorer properties box which will tell you when the object was created.

enter image description here