server is beeping

Walking by the server closet I noticed that one of our servers (namely the one that hosts the company software/data) is beeping: low-high repeat. As soon as it started, I backed up all of the data stores to separate drives, but it's been fine since it started beeping yesterday afternoon.

Now I'm only the lowly software developer and our server/network admin is n/a so far, and no desktop machine I've ever worked on or with has had any serious problems before.

Details and Reiterated info without my dialogue:

  • Beeping is low-high reapeating
  • Intel Core2 Quad machine (if it helps)
  • It's not one of the UPS'. I made certain that it was indeed the server beeping, and it was obvious considering that it's about 4ft high on the rack and the UPS' are on the floor.
  • Runs Win Server 2k3
  • Again, everything is still working fine. Even when I remote into the machine, there's no errors - nothing.

Not sure how to tag this question, feel free to edit.

Solution 1:

RAID array failure? Second power supply failure?

Solution 2:

Well, here's what I would do:

  1. Find the manual for that make and model of server, or for its motherboard. They're often available on the supplier's website if you can't find the dead tree version.
  2. Look up the definition of the beep code in there. Failing that:
  3. Call the vendor's tech support line.

Any beep codes are highly hardware dependent. Even PC BIOS beep codes are non-standard.