Xcode 5 - "iOS Simulator failed to install application" every time I switch simulators

Using Xcode 5 GM, anytime I switch to the 5.1, 6.0 or 6.1 simulators to test, I get the error "iOS Simulator failed to install application." When I reset the simulator it works, but this is getting very tiring.

Anybody have a permanent fix or workaround?

Looks like this is a known issue. From the Xcode 5 release notes:

After switching the minimum deployment target of an application from iOS 7.0 to a release prior to iOS 7.0, building and running the application may fail with the message “iOS Simulator failed to install the application.”

  • Go to the iOS home screen, click and hold the application icon, then tap the hovering “X” button to delete the application. 13917023

Another release note:

iOS Simulator

  • If an iOS app is detached, relaunching the same app from Xcode will result in a black screen in the Simulator even though the new app is launched. Terminate the app in the Simulator or relaunch it for the second time. 14648784

Delete the old version app in your simulator (usually iOS 6.x).

Alternatively, header over to iOS Simulator - Reset Content and Settings.

This can be easier when you have a lot of apps on the simulator and can't remember which one you're currently working on.

You need to do this for every iOS Simulator version that causes the problem.

None of the other suggestions worked for me. However, after comparing my existing app settings to a new vanilla project, I noticed that the "Build" field for my Target was blank. Once I put something in that field, the app installed just fine!

if you have already developed project and you used xib to develop views then

X-Code > Inspector Selector Bar > Interface Builder Document > opens in > and change from Xcode Default(5.o) to Xcode 4.6 .
enter image description here
Build and Run your app it will run successfully, if it won't run again then, header over to iOS Simulator - Reset Content and Settings. delete old app from simulator then Run again.