How to insert a column of increasing numbers in Sublime Text 2?

The Text Pastry plugin does the job very well. It offers the Insert Numbers Syntax.

Select multiple lines with CMD+SHIFT+L (Sublime default):


Move the cursor where you want it:

 | text
 | text
 | text
 | text

And insert numbers with Text Pastry by hitting CMD+ALT+N and entering 1 space 1 space 0:

 1| text
 2| text
 3| text
 4| text

Where 1 space 1 space 0 stands for:

  • Integer to start with 1
  • Increment by 1
  • Padd leading zeros 0

Replace CMD with CTRL on Windows or Linux machines.

For this particular case you can use Increment Selection package. Just press Ctrl+Alt+I (Command+Control+I) while having multiple cursors at the beginning of each line. In addition to melinath answer, here's an example of how to do it:

You will need Package Control first. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to install both things.


  1. Install Package Control.
  • Open Command Palette: Ctrl+Shift+P (Mac: Command+Shift+P).
  • Type Install Package Control and click to install.
  1. Install Increment Selection package.
  • Open Command Palette again.
  • Type Package Control: Install Package, click on it and wait a short period.
  • Type Increment Selection and click on it to install.
  1. Add line numbers to the beginning of each line.
  • Select all lines with Ctrl+A (Mac: Command+A)
  • Change selection to multiple lines with Ctrl+Shift+L (Mac: Command+Shift+L)
  • Go to the start of each line by pressing Home (Mac: Command+)
  • Use Increment Selection with Ctrl+Alt+I (Mac: Command+Control+I)



Other examples for Increment Selection

Increment Selection can also replace numbers, prefix numbers with leading zeroes, increment letters, increment by a step and more.

   [1] text    [1] text    [1] ->  1| text  2| text  3|
   [a] text    [a] text    [a] ->  a| text  b| text  c|
  [01] text   [01] text   [01] -> 01| text 02| text 03|
[05,3] text [05,3] text [05,3] -> 05| text 08| text 11|
[5,-1] text [5,-1] text [5,-1] ->  5| text  4| text  3|

Hint: [] stands for a selection, | stands for a caret.

Featured similar plugins

  • Selection Evaluator: Evaluate selected mathematical expression with Ctrl+Shift+M (Mac: Command+Shift+M).

copy of this post

You want to had a number at each row that you have selected, but not the same. For exemple, you select 5 cursors and you want to write 1 2 3 4 5.

select your 5 cursors (maybe you can use the shortcut ctrl + shift + L)
enter image description here

ctrl + maj + P and select arithmetic enter image description here

Because you have 5 cursors, it propose 1 2 3 4 5
enter image description here enter image description here

If you want you can change your step of iteration
enter image description here

Or start from an other number than 1
enter image description here

Add even numbers
enter image description here

The IncrementSelection plugin enables this behavior. If you have Package Control installed, you can just search for and install it. Easy peasy!

Use Emmet package try this :

  {$ text${newline}}*4