How to describe Bipolar-like behaviour in a positive sense? [closed]

Little bit of background that might seem technical - I'm looking for a name for this common pattern in web design - if you are not logged-in, the homepage shows a marketing landing page. But once you log-in you see a completely different homepage e.g. Facebook shows a sign-up form first - and your feed once you are logged-in.

Design pattern names are typically nouns (for e.g. Visitor Pattern). I like to avoid terms with negative connotation like Bipolar or Split personality.

Some of the names I could think of were:

  • Dual Homepage
  • Duplex Homepage
  • Ambiverted Homepage
  • Janus-headed Home

I am not entirely happy with any of these. I am pretty sure I am missing some obvious word to describe someone who behaves in two different ways depending on the context. Appreciate any help in my search to find a proper name.

Solution 1:

What about double homepage, twin homepages, second homepage, two-step homepage, progressive homepage, two-state homepage, bistable homepage, logging cycle?