What's the word for someone who has ownership and others can't copy or share with others [closed]

I am looking for a word a friend used the other day to describe people who do not share easily. They need to be asked repeatedly not because its a secret but simply because they cannot or do not want to let it out with a particular person or generally.

Unfortunately, my friend and I cannot recall the word.

Solution 1:



Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily: she was extremely reticent about her personal affairs


(Of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words:


Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant:

Conspicuously uninvolved:

Solution 2:

Reserved or reticent, may suggest the idea:

  • Given to or marked by self-restraint and reticence: a reserved person.

also secretive or tightlipped:

  • not letting people see or know what you are doing or thinking.

(from TFD)

Discreet may be an expression close to what you seem to be looking for:

  • Possessed of, exercising, or showing prudence and self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect.