Can't disable redshift

Solution 1:

What Redshift does is to set the colour temperature of your screen from 6500 (normal color temperature) to 3700 ("night" setting for Redshift).

What probably happened is that you removed the application while your screen was set to 3700. By removing Redshift, it was left in that state.

What you need to do

You have two options:

  • Try to set the colour temperature of your screen back, manually, to 6500 (via the button menu that most screens have)


  • Reinstall Redshift; don't run the interface, but set the temperature from command line:

    redshift -O 6500

    Then uninstall redshift again.

Either one of these options should work.

Solution 2:

You can now use redshift -x to reset everything:

-x Reset mode (remove adjustment from screen).