A more efficient way to manage photos/videos between computer and iPhone

  1. When importing new photos and videos from my iPhone, I always click to delete them on my iPhone, so the master copy moves to the iPhoto library.
  2. The only photos & vides I keep on my iPhone are those I explicitely synch to it: I use a smart album of last 12 (or whatever) months plus whatever hand picked photos and albums I want.

This works of course because I use a Mac. Since you tagged your question "Windows" and you speak of "My Computer" icons, I suppose you're on a PC and this answer will not be very useful to you. But I am still posting it in hope that it maybe inspires you to find a solution that works for you.

For windows PC's Photo albums:

  1. Create a master sync folder on your pc with no photo files at the root level of the folder. (e.g. C:\Pix\iPhone)
  2. Create sub-folders within the master sync folder with the subfolders named what you want the ipad's photo albums to be named. (e.g. C:\Pix\iPhone\2013-01-01 New Years Party!)
  3. Place the photo files you want to sync in the appropriate subfolder within the master sync folder. (e.g. C:\Pix\iPhone\2013-01-01 New Years Party!\IMG001.jpg)
  4. In itunes on the photos tab, select the master folder as the sync folder. (e.g. C:\Pix\iPhone)
  5. After syncing, each subfolder will be an album on the device with the proper photos contained there-in. (e.g. Albums\2013-01-01 New Years Party!)
  6. Delete photos from the iPhone\DCIM folder that you've copied.

The trick here is to copy content from iPhone\DCIM to your local Pix\iPhone and sync back via iTunes. Delete the originals from the iPhone\DCIM after copying each time. You can create an Pix\Inbox folder where you copy all the pictures, and only move the ones you want on the iPhone to the Pix\iPhone\[ablum name]

see Apple Forum

My solution is to use Apple Photostream with iCIoud in conjunction with the two Photosync tools (an iPhone app and a PC program). Photostream automatically sends pics I take on my phone to the photostream folder on my phone and then to the cloud. The cloud only holds 1000 pics, but that's ok because it functions just as a temporary holding space for pictures. I have Photosync running on my PC. it monitors the cloud and automatically downloads new pics to a PC folder. I occasionally take the pics from that folder and organize them into my picture library on my PC. Deleting old pics from my phone (camera roll and photostream folders) never deletes them from the PC, so I delete several hundred pics whenever the phone is getting close to full. I also have it set up so my wife's iphone shares the same photostream, so her pictures appear in my iphone photostream folder and vice versa. That detail won't be to everyone's liking for privacy reasons, but for us it's great because we take mostly baby pics and like to see the others' shots. Thats all free. I also want to be able to see my pictures from years ago on the phone. To do this, I use a paid syncing service with my PC called sugarsync. It copies my entire library to the cloud so I can always find old pictures in the cloud using the sugarsync app on my iphone.

Videos I take with my iphone have to be handled separately since Apple's photostream only does photos. Occasionally, every month or two, I use the Photosync iphone app to push all my videos to my PC wirelessly. Then I can delete them at will from the phone to gain space. You could also use this method for photos, but I like the speed, instantenaity, and sharability (I made up those two words) of our photostream method. I can also access old videos through sugarsync as desired as well.

It can all get a bit confusing but it really works well for me. Frankly the biggest challenge is deleting hundreds of pics from my phone at once. The fastest way is to connect the phone to the PC, but I resent ever having to wire up my phone, or heaven forbid, connect to iTunes. So I just delete them by hand on the phone.