Gay and straight are to sexual orientation as transgender and cisgender are to ______? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Gender identity is the best phrase here. While you’re right that it’s sometimes used interchangeably with gender, it’s also often used as a category label for cis/transgender (and sometimes, in addition, including gender itself), like in the following examples:

‘cis’ means cis-gender, meaning the gender you identify as matches the sex you were assigned at birth i.e. I was born female and identify as a female, therefore my gender identity is cis-female. — Identity: definitions and a guide to.

I’m a queer cis woman. Queer is my orientation, I am a lesbian woman attracted to other women. My gender identity is cis, which means that I identity as the gender I was assigned at birth. — UU Studio

This group is also for teens whose gender identity is cis-gender, transgender, non-binary, gender neutral, gender queer, or those questioning their gender identity. — Harmony Center