What is the word for the auto-technique humans use to find out whether a person is male or a female human being by their facial appearance [closed]

Solution 1:

The general term used in research on the subject is recognition, which is modified to specify the kind of recognition performed: facial recognition, gender recognition (with context used to make clear that they are talking about faces), and facial gender recognition. Here are several examples from titles of articles:

  • A Review of Facial Gender Recognition

  • Facial Gender Recognition Using Multiple Sources of Visual Information

  • Gender Recognition of Human Faces Using Color

  • Facial Gender Recognition Using Eyes Images

In some articles, categorization or classification are used alongside recognition, like in Wild et al., "Recognition and Sex Categorization of Adults' and Children's Faces: Examining Performance in the Absence of Sex-Stereotyped Cues," *Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 77 (2000).

While Ngram should be taken with a grain of salt, the illustration below shows that gender recognition outpaces near alternatives (sex recognition, gender categorization, sex categorization):

enter image description here