Efficient ways to spend gold when returning from afk?

As mentioned in the comments, how you spend your money when returning from AFK is determined by your role on the team. I will just give a list of various champion types and suggestions.

  1. Tanky/Tanky-DPS - I would almost always recommend grabbing something like heart of gold for those health dependant champions or maybe a philosophers stone for those mana dependent champions (Moakai, Amumu, Leona). These items will help you gain some of that lost gold back while still offering you a great advantage for the price. Plus both of these items are in the recipe for a few awesome items. If you have enough get your boots so you can escape the inevitable ganks.

  2. Ranged AD - For a ranged AD/carry I would say pick up at least tier 1 boots if not finish them off. You are going to need to stay mobile in the event your lane has been pushed back a tower. Also everyone is going to be out to get you because you are probably underleveled. Luckily you shine late game, so if you can grab some lifesteal, maybe a Doran's Blade or two dependant on how long you've been AFK and get to farming. The Doran's items offer great benefits at low cost.

  3. AP/Casters - For AP casters I would probably also reccomened a philosophers stone (you can sell it later) and at least tier one boots. AP Casters are very item dependant, and that AP scaling can benefit you greatly. I would grab the highest +AP item you can afford with your tier one boots that ties into one of your build items and hit the lane. You will need that AP boost to take out the minions efficiently because they scale with the game length.

  4. Fighters - For a fighting active champion I would recommend boots and just flat health. They taking a beating and usually don't build a lot of armor. If you are planning on playing tankier then go with some armor. Maybe the cloth or if you're lucky the chain. Make sure to grab a health/armor item that converts into a higher tier item you utilize.

  5. General - Generally speaking, the gold per second items are great choices because they offer great benefits stats and gold wise. Also the Doran's items are great choices because they too pack a punch. Stack a few Doran's Blade and noone will ever know you left. You also want to keep in mind though your farming capabilities. Do something that will keep you alive and out of harms way in that lane to bounce back gold and XP wise.

The best options Would always be:

  • Health pool (to keep you alive)
  • Moviment (to make the recal easy and keep you alive)
  • Damage (to help you farm minions and get back your level)

The best options (In my opinion and experience), to each one of the options above, depends on What is your champion and Who is your opponent

For instance:

  • Vayne would do great with a Bloodthirster and Boots,
  • But with a Rammus, i would go for Glacial Shroud and Boots

I am saying what I already saw in the game. People who ALWAYS follow the same order usually are not happy when DC occurs.