Word describing a thing that faces all directions, or can be viewed from all directions

I'm looking for a word that describes an instance of a class of objects typically viewed from one angle (i.e. the front) but in this case is viewable or is interesting from all angles. For example, many sculptures may have a "dominant" or intended "front," but perhaps a sculpture like this one...

enter image description here

...might be intended to be viewed from all directions. This sculpture might be called a _______ sculpture.

The word circumvisual has been used to describe this circumstance:

“Circumvisual PhotoDroid". Her nine eyes represents the nine cameras used in filming the show in the round, thus showing the view from them on each of the nine movie screens. Guests then can watch her training videos, which include a plunge over Niagara Falls, a flight into a barn full of dynamite in Topeka, Kansas, a swirling ride aboard a centrifugator, and hitching a ride on a space shuttle.”


Although the meaning is clear and the need for the word is convincing, it does not seem to have caught on. Google ngram does not find it.