Interchangeability of idiomatic "wavelength" and "frequency" [closed]

Do these sentences mean the same?

We don't have the same wavelength.

We are not in the same frequency.

Solution 1:

To be on the same wavelength is a common idiom, but there is no such idiom for frequency though you could still use it metaphorically with the risk of not being understood.

Solution 2:

"We don't have [the?] same wavelength" sounds strange to me - the standard "set phrase" I'm familiar with is "We're [not] on the same wavelength".

Other idiomatic phrases with similar meaning are "We're singing from the same [hymn]sheet" and (less commonly) We're on the same page, but in my experience both these smack of "office jargon".

I don't think I've ever heard any variation of this metaphoric usage based on the word "frequency".