IIS refuses connection to localhost and

Solution 1:

I've had the same problem, but localhost worked because ::1 address was listening as well as network ip. This command helped me

netsh http add iplisten

Solution 2:

TCP machine:0 LISTENING 4 TCP machine:0 LISTENING 4

Your service is bound only on and not to the loopback addresses (, ::1:). You need to reconfigure IIS to listen on the loopback address of your choice, either IPv4 or IPv6, or listen on all available addresses ( as appropriate.

Solution 3:

This is an old case but I wanted to record my trials and tribulations somewhere that might help someone in the future.

I was working on a system where I had code on a handheld device communicating with a webservice on my local development PC. The handheld device was getting a HTTP Bad Request response from the web service so I installed Fiddler to see if I could identify the problem. It worked fine and the problem was fixed.

However then I found that once I removed Fiddler and cleared out the proxy settings it had added I could no longer connect to my webservice using which is my local IP. However http://localhost did work which meant that IIS was running.

This did my head in for a week before I discovered a suggestion that I do

netsh http delete iplisten ipaddress=

Suddenly was working again but now http://localhost did not work. Further searching suggested I try

netsh http add iplisten

Although this seemed to be the reverse of what I had previously done I tried it and now both and http://localhost work ok

Thanks to all those people whose suggestions I tried.