How to remove some dots from a string in python

Solution 1:

Here is a solution:

p = '23.4565.90'

def rreplace(s, old, new, occurrence):
    li = s.rsplit(old, occurrence)
    return new.join(li)

# First arg is the string
# Second arg is what you want to replace
# Third is what you want to replace it with
# Fourth is how many of them you want to replace starting from the right.
#    which in our case is all but the first '.'
d = rreplace(p, '.', '', p.count('.') - 1) 

>>> 23.456590

Credit to How to replace all occurences except the first one?.

Solution 2:

What about str.partition?

p = '23.4565.90'
a, b, c = p.partition('.')
print(a + b + c.replace('.', ''))

This would print: 23.456590

EDIT: the method is partition not separate