Enforcing method order in a Python module [closed]

What is the most Pythonic way to deal with a module in which methods must be called in a certain order?

As an example, I have an XML configuration that must be read before doing anything else because the configuration affects behavior.

The parse_config() must be called first with the configuration file provided. Calling other supporting methods, like query_data() won't work until parse_config() has been called.

I first implemented this as a singleton to ensure that a filename for the configuration is passed at the time of initialization, but I was noticing that modules are actually singletons. It's no longer a class, but just a regular module.

What's the best way to enforce the parse_config being called first in a module?

It is worth noting is that the function is actually parse_config(configfile).

Solution 1:

If the object isn't valid before it's called, then call that method in __init__ (or use a factory function). You don't need any silly singletons, that's for sure.

Solution 2:

The model I have been using is that subsequent functions are only available as methods on the return value of previous functions, like this:

class Second(object):
   def two(self):
     print "two"
     return Third()

class Third(object):
   def three(self):
     print "three"

def one():
   print "one"
   return Second()


Properly designed, this style (which I admit is not terribly Pythonic, yet) makes for fluent libraries to handle complex pipeline operations where later steps in the library require both the results of early calculations and fresh input from the calling function.

An interesting result is error handling. What I've found is the best way of handling well-understood errors in pipeline steps is having a blank Error class that supposedly can handle every function in the pipeline (except initial one) but those functions (except possibly terminal ones) return only self:

class Error(object):
   def two(self, *args):
      print "two not done because of earlier errors"
      return self
   def three(self, *args):
      print "three not done because of earlier errors"

class Second(object):
   def two(self, arg):
     if arg == 2:
       print "two"
       return Third()
       print "two cannot be done"
       return Error()

class Third(object):
   def three(self):
     print "three"

def one(arg):
   if arg == 1:
      print "one"
      return Second()
      print "one cannot be done"
      return Error()


In your example, you'd have the Parser class, which would have almost nothing but a configure function that returned an instance of a ConfiguredParser class, which would do all the thing that only a properly configured parser could do. This gives you access to such things as multiple configurations and handling failed attempts at configuration.

Solution 3:

As Cat Plus Plus said in other words, wrap the behaviour/functions up in a class and put all the required setup in the __init__ method.

You might complain that the functions don't seem like they naturally belong together in an object and, hence, this is bad OO design. If that's the case, think of your class/object as a form of name-spacing. It's much cleaner and more flexible than trying to enforce function calling order somehow or using singletons.