Is there an English adjective which means "asks questions frequently"? [duplicate]

Is there an English adjective [A] such that the following two sentences are almost the same in meaning?

  • "Joe is a very [A] person"
  • "Joe is always asking questions"

The phrase "always asking questions" has connotations of being nosey, but that's not what I mean.

A question similar to mine was asked:

A person who frequently asks questions even though they know the answer

Assume Joe does NOT already know the answers to his question.

I want an adjective to describe someone who innocently asks questions on a regular basis, and they don't already know the answer.

"querulous" has negative connotations. I want something positive/friendly.

A word similar to "curious" might work.
However, "curious" people can sometimes be very quiet.

I am searching for a word which literally means "asks questions often," implying that they are a bit of a motor-mouth, rather than a shy, quiet person.

Your question seems not quantitative but qualitative, not objective but subjective.

I would use "inquisitive" for that adjective that you are looking for.

'inquisitive' definition (Collins Cobuild, Collins online):

An inquisitive person likes finding out about things, especially secret things.

I think I prefer "inquiring" as an adjective. (But Brandon's suggestion of "inquisitive" is a good choice too)

Merriam Webster defines the verb "inquire" as:

1: to put a question : seek for information by questioning inquired about the horses
2: to make investigation or inquiry —often used with into

it also lists "inquiring" as a suitable adjective.

On the other hand, Merriam Webster defines "inquisitive"

  1. given to examination or investigation
  2. inclined to ask questions
    especially : inordinately or improperly curious about the affairs of others

While inquisitive is a great answer, I would argue for inquiring for two (admittedly completely subjective) reasons.

  1. MW's second definition may seem like it may bleed into nosy. (although I think MW overstates it)
  2. "Inquisitive" may be trying to figure things out, but it may not always come in the form of verbal questions. "Inquiring" seems slightly more likely to make others think of actual questions. Howeer, as someone who self-identifies as curious, inquisitive, inquiring, probably not nosy, but definitely very shy, only a small fraction of those questions actually make it out of my mouth.