What determines how much XP I get for extra Medi-Gel?

When picking up Medi-Gel when you're full, you get XP (rather than credits, like in ME2). What determines how much XP I get? I've received anywhere from 100XP to 300XP for a pack during the same mission without any rhyme or reason to what is causing the discrepancy.

Is there any relation to my maximum carrying capacity? My max health? Or is each Medi-Gel station simply hard coded to give you a certain amount of XP if you're full, regardless? I'm currently playing on Hardcore, so knowing if difficulty affects this would also be helpful.

Difficulty affects the amount of XP per Medigel as well. Numbers from Coalesced.bin.

Insanity - 150XP
Hardcore - 100XP
Normal - 50XP
Easy - 25XP
Casual - 25XP

Medkits contain 2 Medigel, Med Stations may contain more. Only excess Medigel will be converted to XP. If you have 7/8 Medigel on Normal and open a Medkit, you will gain +1 Medigel and +50 XP. With 8/8 you will gain +100 XP.

Some Medigel boxes give you two or maybe even three Medigel, which would account for the extra experience. That's the only reason I could think of when I was playing.

I think different stations give different amounts of medi-gel, so maybe for each medi-gel over the limit you go, you get 100 exp with it.