How do I equip gear on PC? (player menu hotkey)

This sounds ridiculous, but my friends and I can't figure out how to equip anything!

According to this link you "open your character menu", and this link says you open your "character sheet", but neither of those seem to be buttons.

On console, you can open it using the "player menu" button ('back' on Xbox controller), but, amazingly, there is no option for that in keyboard bindings.

No keyboard binding for 'player menu'

So how do I open the player menu on keyboard so I can equip things?

So the key is M, with some caveats:

  • You need to be in town to equip anything
  • Sometimes the key takes a few seconds to work, or - in one of the most ridiculous keybinding bugs I've ever seen - sometimes you need to press another key or move the mouse before the menu will open

Once in the equipment menu, you click on the slot you want to equip to, then hover over the item you want to equip. Sometimes the game won't register the hover, so you need to move the mouse away and hover over it again. Then hold Enter for one second to equip.

Yep, you need to repeat that for each equipment slot. Oof.