Differentiating the meaning of the -able suffix ('able to be' vs 'to be')

The suffix -able has several meanings, one of them is:

  • (forming adjectives) to be: payable

How does one differentiate this meaning from the other meanins of -able? For example, how does one know whether payable means able to be paid or to be paid?

By the way, I didn't find other examples for the "to be"-meaning except for payable. Could you provide other examples?

Solution 1:

"Payable" does mean "able to be paid"— specifically, it means "that may, can, or must be paid."

I'm assuming you're referring to the use of "payable" in "accounts payable." This refers to "the balance due to a creditor on a current account," or in other words, the amount that must be paid. Accounts (that are) payable are those that can (must) be paid.