What is an intuitive synonym for an "implementation" of an idea? [duplicate]

I am trying to build a website/community around 3 types of content;

  1. Problems (I get sunburnt and really hot in summer)
  2. Ideas (A hat with a built-in fan that protects you from the sun and keeps you cool at the same time)
  3. Implementation (Here's a link to an online store that sells solar-powered hats with fans)

The notion that Problems can spawn ideas to solve them is intuitive to me (and hopefully to the user), but I'm struggling to find a better word for the implementation (ie. the tangible thing that makes the idea happen).

Note that this concept doesn't have to be a product as in the example above, it could be Here's a schematic I came up with for building a hat with a fan built into it.

For context, this is for a public-facing website designed to foster innovation and collaboration, so understanding by a wide range of speakers is essential. I think the word "Implementation" is not intuitive, as it won't be clear to the user that an implementation follows from an idea.

Some synonyms I've considered myself are;

  • Product - the implementation may not be something that is actually sold or marketed, it could be something as simple as life-hacks.
  • Solution - I'm concerned this might imply that "Solutions" are the thing that follows from "Problems", whereas that's already used by the concept of an "Idea"
  • Outcome - too vague and doesn't intuitively follow as the implementation of an "idea".

What's a better synonym for "Implementation" here?

Solution 1:

Ideas are abstract things as such and need to be concretized.

I suggest, therefore, concretization.

Here's how AHD defines concretize


To make real or specific:

“Vignettes ... that concretize his thoughts and emotions” (Michael H. Begnel).