How do I show a percentage battery indicator on the iPhone?
Solution 1:
iOS 4 and later natively provide a setting to toggle display of remaining battery percentage in the status bar of iPhone/iPad/iPod touch.
- iOS 9 and later: go to Settings app → Battery → Battery Percentage.
- iOS 4 – iOS 8: The option is made available under Settings app → General → Usage → Battery Percentage
Apple Knowledge base article Show the battery percentage on your iPhone or iPad.
iPhone X cannot display the same in the status bar due to presence of the notch. To view remaining battery percentage on iPhone X, simply swipe-down from top-right corner of the device to open Control Centre to view the reading on-screen. A brief video with the action can be viewed in the CNET article iPhone X: How to view your battery percentage.
iPhone 3Gs
Instructions: "Settings > General > Usage – and toggle the Battery Percentage setting to On."
iPhone 3G
Jailbreak then install SBSettings. Select Extras & Options → Numeric Battery
Solution 2:
If you have the 3GS model:
Settings -> General -> Usage -> Battery Percentage -> ON
If you have a jailbroken iPhone:
Install SBSettings in Cydia
Install asBattery, also in Cydia, using this repo: