Copy Video from Mac to iPhone

Solution 1:

Depends on how you plan to play it on the iPhone. Both following ways require iTunes and an iPhone connected to it by cable or wireless.

  1. If you want to copy it to your Media library and play it natively you will need to:

    • Select your device
    • Click on Movies tab
    • Check Sync Movies and check the desired movie from your iTunes library
  2. If you use an app (such as VLC) to play it you will need to:

    • Select your device
    • Click on Apps tab
    • Scroll to File Sharing and select desired app from list
    • Press on Add.. button and select desire movie from file chooser dialog

Alternately, you can share/stream your movie to your iPhone over wireless connection if you don't want to take it with you.

Solution 2:

Dropbox is always an answer when transferring/syncing files to your iPhone. It's easy; just drop a file in your Dropbox folder and it will show up on your iPhone after a bit. No plugging or syncing required.