How to change the cmd.exe font? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to change the Windows console font?

Firstly: I have tried the options dialog for it (the one that Windows shows) and I don't want that.
The default windows option dialog for it only allows two fonts: "Raster"(Fixedsys) and Lucida Console. However, I want to use Consolas (which is a really chic font). I've tried messing with the registry options for the current user "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console" but it doesn't seem to work. Help appreciated.

Solution 1:

I think you're changing the wrong key. Navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont\

Right click in the blank white space in the right pane and select New -> String Value.

Edit the value to these settings:

Name: 00
Data: Consolas

Open command prompt and you should be able to switch to Consolas font in the properties. A reboot is essential for it to appear properly. I'd also recommend to turn on cleartype to make it look smoother. Consolas looks best with cleartype on.

Solution 2:

Not really an 'answer' per se, but Console2 is a delicious wrapper to cmd that allows much greater choice over how it looks. It's also tabbed, and supports transparency (if that's your thing) I could also give you an ahk script to make it whoosh down like the console from [insert most FPS titles here], if that'd sweeten the deal ;)

Solution 3:

I had to use Console in order to get this 'feature'. It is basically a cmd.exe replacement for Windows. Besides configuring advanced fonts and colours, it has a pile of other features you might be interested in.