What is a less campy way of saying "Treasure hunt"?

I've been trying to find a more modern way/phrase of expressing the idea of a treasure hunt and I am falling short. I've thought of "fortune-finding" but I'm hoping for something better.

EDIT: Sorry, I shot from the hip a little bit. Also, I guess there are other definitions of "campy" I wasn't aware of?

Context: Say I was thinking about hiding something on a trail or in a city and whoever finds it wins some money. And I want to tell the the outdoorsy/hiking community about it. I don't like "treasure hunt" because it feels a little too juvenile. I'm hoping for something that will convey a competitive/adventurous feel (race, expedition, sprint).


treasure hunt

does have a slight nuance of appealing to a younger, preteen crowd, Robert Louis Stevenson and pirates and maps with an X. However, that nuance is only slight, so I think it would still work given that the situation is eactly that, looking for a treasure of some kind.

A less youthful sounding alternative might be:

scavenger hunt.

It names the same activity, but is used for a wider age demographic. It is often used as a label for a team building activity for groups at work. That doesn't mean immediately that it does not have a youthful nuance to it, but whatever nuance it does have, it is less youthful than 'treasure hunt'.