Can you have children in Skyrim?

Solution 1:

The family interaction you can have with your spouse are;

  • to get the lovers comfort bonus
  • to get some money from a home shop
  • for a daily meal

Beyond that there is no interaction you can have with your spouse. And no sex out of marriage either, this is a wholesome fun game about slaying dragons.

Solution 2:

Yes, with the Hearthfire DLC.

Some of its features:

  • Ability to adopt up to two children, who will move into your house.
  • Interact and play games to raise your new family.
  • Allow your child to keep a pet after it follows them home. Some creature followers can also be kept as a pet.
  • If you wish to adopt children without moving into a new home, you may add a child's bedroom to an already purchased home in a major city.

Source: UESP wiki, "Skyrim - Hearthfire" article

Solution 3:

You can't have your own, but you can adopt children from the Orphanage in Riften using this mod.

There is also a video showing how it's done.

Personally didn't try it myself, but looks like it cause the child you adopt to live in your home and act as a follower - roaming around the house, sitting and eating.

Not much, but better than nothing! :)