How could i express this situation properly

At past, I thought : If i go to the cafe at 7 pm, i can meet my friend at there.

But i couldn't meet him.

I want to express the situation at present.
I tried : "I thought that if i go to the cafe at 7 pm, i can meet my friend at there. But i couldn't meet him."

Is this right? Using both if and thought is very confusing.

Any help will be appreciated.

If you were went to the café but didn't see him there than you could say, "I went to the café at 7 pm to see my friend, but couldn't find him."

If something got in the way of you going than you could say, "I was going to meet my friend at the café at 7 pm, but something got in the way. (say what got in the way)"

If you were going to meet him, but couldn't bring yourself to do it, than you could say, "I was going to meet my friend at the café at 7 pm, but I couldn't bring myself to go."