I have an Android app that is currently on an Internal Test Track (Version 1). I am trying to upload a new version (Version 2), but I want my current users to still test Version 1.

The console will not let me retain Version 1.

Is there a way I can have user Group A test Version 1 and user Group B test Version 2?

I did try using an Internal Test and Alpha test. But the Alpha version was downloaded to both groups even when only a single group was selected for it.

All the explanations are on this help page


  • you can only have one internal test
  • you can have multiple closed tests, but users need to opt-in

It sounds like you want to have version 1 on a (new) closed track and will need to get your existing users to opt-in to that, and rmeove them from the internal test

Then have version 2 on a new internal test track that targets group B.

The other option would not be to have an internal test track at all, and have two closed test tracks, one for Group A, and one for Group B.

Internal test tracks are normally for very quick release for developers or immediate QA within your own company. Closed test tracks are usually trusted testers, or for people within your company not necessarily within the development team who can wait a little bit for the rollout to complete.