What does G2 (chapter title) refer to in Death by Meeting?

In Death by Meeting, by Patrick Lencioni (the book is about leadership), There is a chapter entitled "G2." Since it is the title, there is not enough context for me to figure out its meaning, that is, what could it refer to and how it is related to the content of that chapter. I guess it has something to do with sports since the book uses massive sports (golf,baseball, basketball, football) references, but I have not found anything useful so far.

The chapter narrates a phone call between Will, who is kind of a consultant, trying to make the company's (Yip's) meetings more effective, and his friend Maddie, "an administrative assistant to one of Playsoft’s other division heads." Playsoft is the parent company. There's been a merger (Yip is part of Playsoft now) and Will wants to know more about J.T., the man in charge of M&A. J.T is trying to put pressure on Casey, Yip's CEO, and make him resign, while Will is trying to save Casey through improving his and Yip's performance.

The chapter before "G2" is entitled "Out of the Bag," and the one after it, "The Monthly Strategic," which is the name that the author has chosen for one of the four types of meetings he suggests in the book.

Other chapter titles are: Mining, The Hook, No Prisoners, Light Bulb, Detention, Coming Clean, Bad Sequel, Wet Feet, On The Table, Smoking Gun, Fireworks, etc.

It is possible that the acronym G2 (as the title of a chapter) may have several interpretations, depending on the context of the chapter. I see multiple meanings which could be puns.

In many countries, G2 is the designation of the Intel staff, used to disguise its purpose. The system comes from the pre-WW II [US MI staffing designation.]

It was later adopted by many other countries whose military forces had been trained by American “advisors” in the 1950s. (1)

As far as I know, the usage was still current up until 2014 in the USA.

So we have:

G2 = Military intelligence

From this, we have from modern slang an interpretation of the acronym to mean intelligence in a broader sense.

In depth information about any person or thing;

Urban Dictionary. (sorry)

...from that, we can derive:

G2 = Deep dark intel on a person. This is tricky, as it often means digital hacks.

And then, there is G-two , which implies G, plus a number.

Most economic summits conducted which include the most important world leaders have a similar designation.

The Group of Seven (G7) is an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of seven major developed countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, which are the largest IMF-advanced economies in the world.

I think it was once G8, including Russia, but , well, politics.

G7 = a summit

So to me, this looks like an allusion to 2 different (maybe 3) ideas.

As it was a summit of two merging groups, and the merger was dependent on knowledge of the joining groups...I would say:

It is a play on the idea of G7 as a summit, and G2 referring to intel on an opposing force.