FAA's suggestion to avoid using "pursuant to", "per", and "in accordance with"

Solution 1:

The use of a very early "lousy" steers me towards a pet peeve sounding rant..not anything truly grounded. It's more of a generalization that the tired and played, uppity legal slang indicates laziness and/or use of "vintage" terms and phrases designed to improve writer's stature in readers' eyes.

I don't see anything wrong with using them..especially to heavily document.

°Per the Human Resources Hiring Procedures book, scan all resumes before applications.

°Pursuant to Michigan Department of Education's COVID-19 Taskforce guidance dated July 17, 2020, all students in grades K-12 will be required to wear a mask or cloth face covering while on campus, except while eating or drinking, resuming mask usage immediately after.

°In accordance with the US Constitution, state legislatures can certify and confirm a different candidate than seated presidential electors would have.