Change theme in Chrome to one that's been previously installed

This seems like it should be really easy to do, I just can't work out how.

Is there a way in Chrome to switch to themes that have previously been installed on the browser. Themes that have been installed through the Market Place.

If you install a theme through the Market Place, a file downloads, installs itself, then disappears. If you revisit that theme page, you're told it's already installed, even if you have installed a different theme in the intervening time.

I can find no interface within the latest version of Chrome (11, I think) that allows you to reselect that theme. Is there one?

Solution 1:

There is not a way to install a previously-used theme from your own system. (Though I imagine a genius programmer can find a way to play with it.)

The Web Store should not be saying it is already installed - it only says that for currently installed extensions, not extensions that were installed at some time. Try refreshing the page. Then try removing cookies and / or temporary files, and then refreshing the page.

Solution 2:

I ran into much of the same trouble trying to switch back to a previously-used theme in later versions of Google Chrome. I'm not usually one to plug an addon unless it really works for me. The only thing I found that worked is the Chrome extenstion Extensions Manager (aka Switcher).

It showed me the themes I had previously installed and allowed me to switch back to them. At very least it did a proper job of uninstalling the theme so that I could actually go back to the Chrome Web Store and re-download the one I wanted to use again.

Solution 3:

1) Go to the previously downloaded theme on the extensions page (it shows as installed with a RATE IT button)

2) Click the share link. Share via GMAIL.

3) A compose window will open with a text message like this:

Check out "bloomind ct deepdark":

4) Delete the folder in your google-chrome/Default directory named "djolekdiiojehgfggcjckachfgkkdmjd" (citing the example above).

5) Restart the broswer. You can now re-download the theme from the extensions page.

Kludgy, but it does work.